Making the decision to adopt is an important one. Picking the right attorney to assist with the matter is just as important. Navigating through the process with the court, birth family, social worker, and etc., can be quite daunting. However with the proper assistance from our experienced staff, it can be a smooth process. JP Law Group has helped families through the adoption process and we would love to help you as well. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to review your case.
As with all cases involving children, the Court will look to the best interest of the minor child when making the final determination regarding adoption. There are several factors the Court may consider, such as such as the moral fitness of the adopting parties, grandparents rights, if it applies, and whether or not proper consent was provided.
Each adoption matter is different. Whatever your adoption situation is, allow JP Law Group to ease the process for you. We pride ourselves on educating and empowering our clients about the process then executing a plan of action to make their dreams come true. Call us today to schedule a consultation. Call us at (305) 315-1005 or fill out the contact form below.
Anyone who is of good moral character, loves children and can nurture and provide for a child may adopt. This includes single adults, married couples, (gay or straight) and stepparents.
It is important to note that unless the consent is excused by the Court, the proper written consent for adoption must be received from the following:
A. The birth mother.
B. The birth father, if:
The minor was conceived or born while the father was married to the mother;
The minor is his child by adoption;
The minor has been adjudicated by the court to be his child by the date a petition is filed for termination of parental rights;
He has filed an affidavit of paternity pursuant to the Florida Statutes Section 382.013(2)(c) by the date a petition is filed for termination of parental rights; or
5. In the case of an unmarried biological father, he has acknowledged in writing, signed in the presence of a competent witness, that he is the father of the minor, has filed such acknowledgment with the Office of Vital Statistics of the Department of Health within the required time frames, and has complied with the requirements of Florida Statutes Section 63.062 (2).
C. The minor, if 12 years of age or older, unless, in the best interests of the minor, the court dispenses with the minor's consent.
D. Any person lawfully entitled to custody of the minor if required by the court.
E. The Court having jurisdiction to determine custody of the minor, if the person having physical custody of the minor does not have authority to consent to the adoption.