Uncertainty. Conflict. High costs. These are just a few words that come to mind when thinking about what it means to go through litigation, the process in which a case is handled by the courts. The very idea of a courtroom often promotes an image of stress and fear in the minds of those who are parties to a dispute. Fortunately, if you have a legal dispute, litigation is not your only option. In fact, one of the best alternatives to litigation is called “Collaborative Law.”
Collaborative law is a form of alternative dispute resolution. It means that each party hires their own attorney, but agrees to stay out of court and resolve issues through negotiation. The goal is to keep the negotiations moving along and as stress-free as possible. As you can imagine, there are many benefits of choosing collaborative law over litigation. Below we discuss some of the main advantages.
Avoid Court. Perhaps the most obvious and important one is that collaborative law keeps you out of court. By avoiding court, it means that you save time and money. It also allows you to bring in your own team of specialists or professionals to help your case. This is beneficial over litigation, where each side actually hires their own experts, usually at great financial cost.
Faster Resolution. As we mentioned above, collaborative law can really speed up the conflict resolution process. You can set your own meeting times and have a more casual experience without relying on, and waiting for, the notoriously slow court system. Also, because there are many formalities that exist once you’re in court, the quality of communication often suffers. But in collaborative law, it’s all about communication and education; it’s not just about the process but about your goals and options as well, which can facilitate a faster and fairer result.
Client Focused. Collaborative law is about you and a fair resolution to your issue. When in court, sometimes it can feel like your needs are brushed aside or forgotten because of all the other requirements that must be fulfilled. By taking the court out of the equation, you can be sure that you and your needs remain the focus of the process.
Retain Control. Collaborative law allows you, the client, to maintain control. You can work with professionals who are familiar with you and know your case inside and out without pressure from a judge to settle. You can also control when and where meetings take place as well as who can and cannot attend them.
Lack of Adversity. In collaborative law, open and respectful communication is essential. This is in stark contrast to litigation which, by its very nature, pits you against the other party in a fight.
Maintain Your Privacy. When you go through litigation, everything about your case becomes a matter of public record. But when information is exchanged during the collaborative law process, everything stays private.
There are many advantages of choosing collaborative law over litigation, and these are just a few of them. Whether you are dealing with a Florida family law issue such as divorce, or settling another personal matter, the collaborative law process can provide a safe space for you to resolve your issue quickly and by keeping conflict at a minimum. At JP Law Group, we are dedicated to providing clients with quality service and vigorously fight for their rights both in and out of court.
If you are curious about the collaborative law process or think that it might be right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (305) 615-1005.